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Tourism at Ali-Abad/Tange-Chenar Mehriz

Future prospects
Aliabad Chehelgazi/Tangechenar Mehriz private protected wildlife area, rely on natural infrastructure – local and ecosystem such as: integrated 10 kilometers mountains to plains, magnificent natural valley, vast plains, Magnificent Dosar cave and natural spring waters, With advantage of experienced staff and the ability of their executives, keeping a long-time vision and strategic use of diverse and entering programs, intend to provide the following facilities in the near future:

Holding ecotourism
Camel and horse riding
Desert night observation
Wildlife watching and photography
Hunt and train for shooting and hunting
Mountain biking
Filed research for researcher

Nature attraction
Aliabad Chehelgazi has a desert, semi-desert ecosystem, a cold and dry climate, and different types of habitats like mountains and rocks, foothills and plains, and can be said to be compliments, to the city’s tourism attractions. Along with topographic sights, following are some potentials of the region for tourism. Dosar Cave, as the greatest cave hall of the world, attracts special tourists in ecotourism. A plain covered with rhubarb in the western part of the region is an interesting sightseeing in the spring. Sighting the wildlife like the wild goat and gazelle and a lot of chuckars, Pleske’s ground jay, Houbara and see-see partridges closely is another attraction of the region. Accessibility to all the habitats of the region can be interesting for ecotourists and photographers


About us

The first request for private protected wildlife area in ‘Aliabad Chehelgazi’, was offered to the administration of environmental protection of Yazd, on December 2010. The formal legal procedure began and even before getting the license for doing the private protected area, informal protections in the area started